Friday, February 28, 2020


2020 is going to be the year in which we sink or swim. No time for the weak of heart. No more procrastinating!
On new years day I sat down to meditate early morning and I had a vision which shook me to the bones. The vision came with a voice which said

 "The Angel of Death is coming towards the village and anyone that is not prepared, the angel of death will take them". "You must have the cross in the front door or else experience death!"

 I immediately forced myself out of my meditative sleep. I had never had what I thought of as a negative experience but this one came so strong that I knew that there was an important message,
After a short moment of catching my breath, I decided to ask my guides what this vision was all about and I quickly fell into a trance. I saw myself walking towards a circle of light where my guides awaited me, This vision was similar to the one I had when I died and went thru the tunnel and met my guides or the first time. I approached my guides and asked:"What does the vision mean? Who is this angel of death? My guides replied:"The Angel of Death is FEAR. Fear is coming and if you allow it in, it will destroy you. You will destroy yourself  by sabotaging your creations or by creating your fears into reality, Some of you will not be able to overcome fear and will get sick and die, others will experience temporary loss and others will be emotionally compromised and in pain.
Those of you who have a cross on their door(positive sign), the angel of deth will not touch.

I was very startle by this vision and subsequent meditation so I immediately started helping my clients process past fears and build a strong defense against existing fears. Little did I know what was coming down in the months since then. Now I realize that the angel of death has taken different forms and one of them is the CORONA VIRUS. 

This virus can be deadly but most of the sick will recover. What is bigger than the virus is the FEAR than the virus brings. Mass chaos, countries closing their borders, stock market crashing, people held prisoners in their own home! Shortages of food, medicine and hospital beds. fear fear fear.

I now understand what they were telling me. You don't have to be infected, just let go of fear. Tke proper precautions but with a positive attitude. The virus mostly attacks those with a compromised immune system or bad health and as you know health starts in the mind. So if you want to be healthy, be happy be, positive + + +.   

Next I will be sharing my thoughts on 2020 the year of the NEW OPERATING SYSTEM FOR OUR BRAINS

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

2019 The Year of Instantaneous Manifestation

Happy New Year. This is a very powerful year for manifesting your desires into reality. 2019 is a 3 year and 3 is always about planning, visualizing, focusing and daring to dream what you want and turning it into reality. 
Last year we all dealt with insecurity, fear and doubt, frustrations and setbacks. All of that stuff was necessary in order to clear out negative projections brought on by our old programming. Now we are ready to start to create the fun stuff. But like all new downloads(including the ones for your cell phones), some need to be revised and tweaked a little and so the first months of 2019 are about surrendering to some unfinished negative thought projections and getting rid of some viruses that still affect your day to day operating system.     

Monday, February 29, 2016

2016 A new Home

2016 is a 9 year(sum of 2+0+1+6). Its the year of endings or putting behind what no longer serves you. Depending on your birthday, the year cycle for you may be different. But overall its a year to take a look at the last 10 years and see what we no longer want in our lives and let it go. Some of us will face letting go of people places and things which may no longer serve us but we may experience fear of letting go.
I had a client the other day who asked me if I can help him keep fear from coming into his life. I suggested a visualization in which fear came knocking at his door. I said to him what are you going to do? He said "I will lock that door very tight".. I said, "Fear is still knocking". He said, "I will ignore it" "Until it goes away". I said,"let me suggest something different. Open the door, Let fear in and ask it what it wants?" Get angry and ask it again what does it want? Tell it You are just a pain in my behind and have no longer power or weight in my decisions in my house. Get out! And guess what? Fear will no longer interfere with the decision that brought her to your door to begin with.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Well life is getting very interesting lately with eclipses, solar flares and full moons dominating the Astros. Changes are coming for all of us. Feeling tired around 3 to 4 pm? Not sleeping well? Feeling a little down lately? Welcome to the biggest ascension experience of our lifetime! Get ready for some big shakings and I am not talking only in your body but also in mother earth. Weather anomalies and intensity beyond what we have experienced in the past is also on the way. But its not a time to be scared, only vigilant to what is going to be put in front of us to experience. Vigilant and conscious and stay out of harm way when possible. its a time to change ourselves and become more of what we already are at a cellular level. A time to seek new ways and beliefs and experiences that will help us in ascending. Seek guidance from your teachers and be weary of those who proclaim to know for sure the path. The path is different for each of us although it will take us ultimately to the same place. Seek not someone to tell you what to do but someone who will give you the tools and insight to discover it for yourself. Time to shift to conscious manifestation with right intentions. Nilo

I am venturing into a new parallel career field called Stem Cell Replacement Therapy. I believe with every part of my being that this is the new way to healing our physical bodies in preparation for the vibrational ascension that is about to take place. I am going to gather the best doctors I can find and put a package together that is affordable for most of my clients and friends. More on this topic in coming weeks. Namaste.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Guess what? As we get more than  half way thru 2012. we need to ask ourselves..Oh..Oh Mercy mercy me...things aren't what they use to be no, changes are a plenty and I don't know where I am going but I a m glad that I am on my way.
Think about it, do you want to spend the next 10 years the same as the last 10? Change is good and growth is good but can be messy and sometimes does not feel good when you are in the middle of it. As we get closer to the end of 2012 and the beginning of a new place of consciousness, we are being asked gently.....and sometimes not so gently, to shift our perception of the world that we see. As we grow into 5th dimensional reality, we will be given the gift of instantaneous manifestations thru our thought process. In other words, the capacity to manifest in the moment what we think. This is a gift but unfortunately most of us think fear based thoughts. So we are all being tested on our fears big time now so we have the opportunity to clear all negative blockages. At the same time, we are being downloaded during our sleep so most of us are waking up tired and get very sleepy around 3 to 5 p.m. Our bodies are also being bombarded by radiation from the sun so we can use the energy to transmute our DNA. Sounds weird? guess is! But it is happening no matter whether you believe it or not. Just look for the signs and symptoms. What can you do to facilitate this process? Be aware that you are shifting and that you may need help in processing this shift. Look for practitioners that yo u resonate with.  You may need chiropractic work, nutritional guidance, therapy, doctors, NLP programming, magnet therapy, homeopathy, essential oils, yoga and a gym. Use your money to take care of you which is more important than spending it on cars, houses, clothes and restaurants.
One last thing....don't be afraid to ask for help from the Universe. If you do, it will always provide the right answer.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Venus acting out, mercury going into retrograde! What a mess....Everything from the past is coming up for review now and the past is not always pretty. We are being asked to review and forgive, forget, let go and rescue aspects of ourselves we left behind. Be warned that emotions are being carried on our sleeve and are subject to sudden eruptions. Having problems sleeping? Sudden weight gain and loss? Accidents? Loosing things or having them stolen? Welcome to the times. Things are not all bad, they just are and we make it bad or good. Remember that there is always two sides to every story. And that every action you take has consequences...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Well here it is, 2012! We made it and the world is still here and will be here for millenniums to come. Its the end of a cycle as we know it and the continuation  of a new awareness process that started the last few years. As a matter of fact, do you know that the year 2012 has not even started yet? Its going to begin right around this week, the last week of January. Just because the Gregorian calendar says that its the 23rd, does not mean it really is....are you dreaming or are you awake at this moment? hummm?
Are you ready for 2012? Do you want to decide to take the red pill this time or continue with the blue pill? What a fantastic journey awaits us this year. We will see ups and downs and sideways and sinking of cruise ships and wars in different countries and political upheavals and the European markets going down down down. But this year will be a year of major changes for humanity. Its the tilting point in a the seesaw of life. Are we going to see ETs this year? A nuclear war? The economic collapse of the world economies? You don't need a psychic to tell you this, its all going to happen but just like in the matrix, you are going to have to make a choice!!!! And its hard to make choices on things we are not ready to face.That's where I come in. I am there to help you see beyond the choices you don't understand or are not ready to make. Not to tell you what is going to happen but to detach you from your life so you can become a co-creator of your own existence instead of a victim of the world that you see. Detach you from the time line of past present and future so you can go in the time line and alter events before they unfold. We are God like creatures and you too can do everything that He can. Its all about connecting to the God inside us. Write to me and set up and appointment. This is the moment to make the shift happen. Make the choice! Wake up from the Matrix of life. Become a co-creator of the world that you see. Let go of the FEAR(Future Events Appearing Real).

"The only thing we have to fear is fear it'self 
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, First Inaugural Address, Mar. 4, 1933

Guys, Deepak Chopra is one of my favorite people in the world. I had the honor of studying and assisting in his workshops.